English is well known for its vast vocabulary. English had absorbed words from more than 120 languages. Among them is Urdu; My national and favorite language. 
        It is natural phenomena that when two different nations combine, they catalyst their cultures and customs. British ruled india in 1958 to 1947. This century was the start of merging two nations. resulting in languages absorb many each other words and leave everlasting effect on both sides. 

Here are some words of english which are supposed to be derived from Urdu language.

Blighty a name for Britain or England, used especially by soldiers in the First and Second World Wars, and now sometimes used in a humorous way.
Derived from urdu word "Vilaiti" means foreigner. 

Bungalow house in bengal style.
Derived from urdu word "Bangla" means house

chit  a note or letter.
Derived from urdu word "chitthi" means letter

cot portable bed
Derived from urdu word "khat" means portable bed

Cummerbund a wide band of silk, etc. worn around the waist, especially under a dinner jacket
Derived from urdu word "Kamerband"

Dacoit  a member of a group of armed thieves
Derived from urdu word "Dakait" means robber

Dekko look
Derived from urdu word "dekho" means Look

Guru Teacher
Derived from urdu word "guru" means Teacher

Jinnah Cap
A famous cap of  Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan).

Jungle Forest
Derived from urdu word "Jungal" means Forest

Khaki dust like colour
Derived from urdu word "sand"

Loot to steal
Derived from urdu word "Loot" means to steal

Pyjamas A type of garment
Derived from urdu word "pajama"

Roti  A wheat bread
Derived from urdu word "roti".

Typhoon A cyclonic storm
Derived from urdu word "toofan" means storm

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